Course curriculum

  • 01

    Introduction to Course

    • Welcome

    • Disclaimer

    • Lesson Breakdown infographic

  • 02

    Lesson 1: Demystifying FASD

    • Exploring Myths and Misconceptions of FASD

    • Diagnostic Process

    • FASD Facts infographic

    • Strengths of FASD infographic

    • CanFASD What is FASD Brochure

    • Overlapping Characteristics

    • What you need to know about FASD

    • CanFASD Canadian FASD Clinic Diagnostic Information

    • Video - Let's Talk about FASD

    • Video - Why is a diagnosis of FASD Important?

    • Video - FASD: Let's move from shame to blame, to support and care

    • Supplemental Information

  • 03

    Lesson 2: FASD and Identity

    • Filling up the Identity Cup infographic

    • Classroom Demystification Presentation

    • Classroom Demystification Letter Template

    • All About Me Education infographic

    • Language is important FASD do's and don'ts infographic

    • Video - The start to a better understanding of FASD

    • Video - More than a Label

    • 09 09 International FASD Awareness Day Flyers

    • Video - "I am not broken, I do not need fixing" - Myles Himmelreich

    • Neurodiversity Infographics

    • How to empower neurodiversity - article written for the BCACC Insights magazine

    • Supplemental Information

  • 04

    Lesson 3: FASD as a Whole Body Diagnosis

    • FASD as a Whole Body Diagnosis

    • FASD as a Whole Body Diagnosis Infographic

    • Video - FASD: Living with a brain and body disability

    • Video - FASD: Physical Challenges

    • Video - FASD: No On/Off Switch. Importance of Sleep

    • Medication Algorithm - normed for adult populations but can be presented to supporting mental health and psychiatric teams

    • Psychotropic Medication Algorithm for FASD Printout

    • Additional Information on the FASD Algorithm

    • Video - Pain as Experienced by People with FASD

    • Video - FASD as a Whole Body Diagnosis

    • Article - A shift on perspective on "secondary disabilities" and FASD

    • Supplemental Information

  • 05

    Lesson 4: Sensory Processing and Regulation

    • Sensory Processing and FASD

    • FASD Overwhelm and Meltdowns infographic

    • Mirror Neurons and Coregulation

    • FASD and Interoception infographic

    • Spoon Theory

    • Video - Executive Functioning Fuel - Spoon Theory

    • Coregulation tips for caregivers infographic

    • Crisis Cycle and FASD infographic

    • Strategies for Caregivers Outline infographic

    • Video - Living with Sensory Processing and FASD

    • Video - Sensory Processing and FASD

    • Supplemental Information

  • 06

    Lesson 5: Communication

    • The FASD Iceberg Infographic - what you see is not the whole story

    • FASD and Communication infographic

    • Communication Tips for Caregivers infographic

    • Abstract vs Concrete infographic

    • Video - Confabulation: When lying isn't lying

    • Video - 5 Unhelpful Responses We Have to Escalated Kids

    • Video - Perseveration

    • Video - Helping People with FASD Process What we are Saying

    • Video - Painting the Picture (Support for Planning)

    • FASD and Demand Avoidance

    • Supplemental Information

  • 07

    Lesson 6: Memory and Learning

    • Mistaking Memory and FASD infographic

    • FASD and the winding road of memory infographic

    • FASD and memory: Tips for caregivers infographic

    • FASD and the memory argument infographic

    • Video - POPFASD Memory Difficulties

    • How to Build Structure infographic

    • FASD and Education: Universal Learning Strategies infographic

    • Video - 6 things Educators and School Staff Should know about FASD

    • Video - POPFASD Creating Effective Visuals

    • Video - Cognitive Interventions to Improve Memory

    • Supplemental Information

  • 08

    Lesson 7: Relationships and Safety

    • FASD and the Difficulty Recognizing Danger infographic

    • Online Safety Shields infographic

    • Safety Rules and FASD infographic

    • Foundation for Healthy Relationships infographic

    • Videos - Teaching Online Safety for Kids

    • Video - Top Internet Safety Tips for Parents

    • Video - Teaching Consent

    • Video - Teaching Healthy Touch

    • Video - Teaching Boundaries

    • Video - Teaching about Private Parts

    • Video - Teaching Sex-Ed for People with Developmental Disabilities

    • Supplemental Information

  • 09

    Lesson 8: Planning for future

    • FASD Protective Factors infographic

    • How to promote accepting help infographic

    • FASD and the Future infographic

    • Building Lifelong Supports Infographic

    • Avoiding Power Struggles infographic

    • Family Rules infographic

    • FASD and the keys to success infographic

    • Healing the overwhelm: Caregiver burnout is normal

    • Video - Students with disabilities transitioning from high school

    • Video - I struggle, but I also succeed

    • Video - FASD with Myles Himmelreich

    • Supplemental Information